This week's look is inspired by the irresistible Penny Lane (Kate Hudson) from the movie Almost Famous,directed and written by Cameron Crowe. Penny Lane is an enchanting and freespirited groupie and one of the most interesting characters. Despite its modest budget the movie won the critics and the audience and even an Oscar for best screenplay.
The film is semi-autobiographical and it's based on Crowe's teenage life during the 70. He was writing for the famous Rolling Stone magazine and touring with big bands like Led Zeppelin, The Eagles, Lynyard Skynard and The Allman Brothers Band. In the movie he's portrayed by the character of 15 year old Wiliam (Patrick Fugit). Wiliam goes on a tour with the band Stillwater in hopes of writing a cover wining article for the Rolling Stone. Wiliam gets to know the band and all the perks that rock and roll life brings including the groupies . Groupies are not just fans but real life muses and „important“ band aids.Wiliam is completely mesmirized by the the alpha groupie - Penny Lane. Penny Lane is in love with the Stillwater's lead guitarist Russell(Billy Crudup). At first, the young and naive Wiliam looks up to his rock idols but when confronted with some „real life“ situations gets to know the human and not so pretty side of his „golden gods“. This is a story about what rock&roll is all about - love, friendship and comradery. The movie is full of clever details that bring soul to otherwise seemingly one-dimensional charachters such as self glorified rock stars and silly groupies.
Penny Lane's style is bohemian and hippie, typical for the period but not excessively so. She wears romantic and timeless pieces like white or ethnic blouses, short dresses and bellbottom jeans . The whole look is really fresh and natural. The most distinguished pieces are her faux fur coat and purple colored sunglases. This round frame is all the rage again and I love mine so much I even wear them inside.
Did you know:
Cameron Crowe wrote the songs for Stillwater with the help of his wife Nancy Wilson (singer and guitarist of the band Heart) and rock veteran Peter Frampton. Pearl Jam guitarist Mike McCready provided the guitar track.
The character Penny Lane is based on a famous groupie from the 70's and Playboy Playmate Bebe Buell, mother of Liv Tyler.
Ovotjedni look je inspiriran nedoljivom Penny Lane (Kate Hudson)iz filma Almost Famous, režisera i scenarista Camerona Crowa. Penny Lane je slobodoumna groupie djevojka i jedan od najzanimljivijih likova u ovom filmu koji je usprkos skromnom budžetu osvojio i kritiku i publiku pa čak i Oscara za scenarij.
Film je poluautobiografski odnosno temelji se na stvarnim događajima iz redateljevog života koji je kao tinejdžer tokom 70ih, pisao za slavni Rolling Stone časopis i išao na turneju sa velikim bendovima poput Led Zeppelin, The Eagles, Lynyard Skynard i The Allman Brothers Band.Tako i u filmu 15ogodišnji William (Patrick Fugit) upoznaje bend Stillwater i odlazi s njima na turneju u nadi da će napisati članak vrijedan naslovnice Rolling Stone tzv. rock&roll Biblije.Wiliam na tom putu upoznaje bend a i njihove groupie djevojke koje se ne smatraju tek fanovima već pravim muzama i skrbnicama o bendu.Vođa groupie djevojka je Penny Lane koja je zaljubljena u glavnog gitarista Rusella (Billy Crudup) a mladi i neiskusan Wiliam je u potpunosti očaran sa njom.U početku Wiliam gleda na svoje idole sa dozom strahopoštovanja ali součen sa određenim situacijama upoznaje ljudsku stranu svojih rock velikana i mane koje često dolaze u paketu. Cameron Crowe je ispričao priču o svom odrastanju i ljubavi prema glazbi, svijetu rock &rolla i prijateljstvu i kroz detalje unio dušu u naizgled stereotipne likove poput samodopadnih rokera i luckastih groupie djevojka.
Penny Lane u filmu nosi hipijevske komade karakteristične za razdoblje no ne pretjerane već svevremenske komade poput bijelih i etno bluzica, laganih haljinica i naravno trapezica. Cijeli look je uglavnom prirodan i nenametljiv. Najupečatljivi je njezin kaputić sa umjetnim krznom i luckaste lila lenonice. Takav okvir se opet počeo nositi a ja sam toliko oduševljena sa svojima da ih nosim i u kući.
Jeste li znali :
Cameron Crowe je uz pomoć žene Nancy Wilson (inače pjevačice i gitaristice benda Heart) i rock veterana Petre Framptona napisao pjesme za Stillwater dok je gitarist Pearl Jama Mike McCready odsvirao gitaru.
Lik Penny Lane je baziran prema slavnoj groupie djevojci iz 70ih i Playboyevoj zečici Bebe Buell , majci od Liv Tyler.
Penny Lane: Call me if you need a rescue, we live in the same city.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWilliam Miller: Sometimes I think I live in a different world.
xoxo, :)
Rock 'n' roll can save the world :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLuv u babe :***
Gledala sam taj film, bio mi je odličan, i inače volim boho stil. Fotke su ti, kao i obično, super.
OdgovoriIzbrišiGenijalno ponovo....*-*