Last week I wrote about the excentric cousins of the most famous first lady and this week I continue the story but in a more festive manner. Today I will talk about Jackie Kennedy. I was inspired by a red dress Jackie wore one Christmas at the White House and mine is almost identical. This shows how Jackie's style is timeless and there's nothing better than a red dress for Christmas. We found the perfect Christmas atmosphere in Art Štacun. It's a very charming arts and crafts shop in Varazdin and in this time of year it looks like a real Santa's workshop.
Jaqueline Lee Bouvier was born on July 28th 1929 in a wealthy New York family with French and Irish heritage. Jackie's parents divorced soon after the birth of her sister Lee in 1933 so she grew up divided between her father's home in New York, and mother's in Virginia and Rhode Island. Education was extremely important in the family and Jackie attended only the best schools. She gratuated French literature at The George Washington University in DC. She had a passion for writing and wrote her first book in 1951. The book describes the summer Jackie spent traveling Europe with her sister Lee. A year later through mutual friends she met John Kennedy, her future husband. They had two children, Caroline and John. In 1963 the world was shocked by the assassination of John Kennedy. After John's death, Jackie was in fear for her safety and the safety of her children, so she married a Greek magnate Aristotle Onassis. Aristotle provided her protection and luxury she needed but not happiness because he was constantly cheating on her with the opera diva Maria Callas. Aristotle died in 1975 and Jackie dedicated herself to her true vocation - writing and editing. During her life she was very active and fought for the preservation of important cultural heritages and was engaged in humanitarian work. She died in 1994. year from cancer.
Jackie was at the center of attention not because of her husband the president, but because of her refined and elegant style. She wore clean suits with skirts, A line dresses, and little pillbox hats that become a huge hit in the 60ies known as The Jackie look. After the life in the White House Jackie drastically changed her style and sported more casual look wearing jeans, big sunglasses and Hermes scarves.
Did you know:
Jackie was a world traveler and highly educated woman. She was fluent in three languages: Italian, French and Spanish.
Oleg Cassini was the designer who created her entire wardrobe during the Keneddy presidency.
Prošli tjedan sam pisala o neobičnim rođakinjama najslavnije prve dame a ovaj tjedan nastavljam priču ali u božićnom duhu. Danas ću govoriti o Jackie Kennedy a crvena haljina koju sam odabrala je gotovo identična onoj koju je Jackie nosila za Božić u Bijeloj Kući. To je pokazatelj koliko je Jackien stil bezvremenski a za Božić nema bolje od crvene haljine. Savršeni božićni ugođaj smo pronašli u simpatičnom i orginalnom varaždinskom dučančiću Art Štacunu koji izgleda kao prava radionica Djeda Mraza.
Jaqueline Lee Bouvier je rođena 28.7.1929. godine u imućnoj njujorškoj obitelji francusko-irskih korijena. Jackieni roditelji su se razveli ubrzo nakon rođenja njene sestre Lee 1933. godine pa su sestre odrastale na više lokacija u New Yorku , Virginiji, Rhode Islandu. Edukacija je bila iznimno važna u obitelji pa je Jackie pohodila najbolje škole i diplomirala francusku književnost u Washingtonu. Imala je strast za pisanjem a prvu knjigu je napisala 1951. godine gdje opisuje ljeto koje je provela putujući Europom sa svojom sestrom Lee. Godinu dana kasnije preko zajedničkih prijatelja upoznaje Johna Kennedya s kojim uskoro sklapa braka. Imali su dvoje djece Caroline i Johna.1963. godine svijet je potresao atentat na Johna Kennedija a slike okrvavljene Jackie koja je iz prve ruke svjedočila umorstvu svog supruga ušle su u povijest. Nakon Johnove smrti Jackie je bila u strahu za svoju sigurnost a i za sigurnost svoje djece pa je 1968. godine spas pronašla u braku sa grčkim magnatom Aristotelom Onassisom. Aristotel joj je pružio zaštitu i luksuz no ne i sreću jer ju je stalno varao sa opernom divom Mariom Callas. Aristotel umire 1975. godine a Jackie se posvećuje svojem pravom pozivu- pisanju. Tokom svog života bila je iznimno aktivna i borila se za očuvanje važnog kulturnog naslijeđa a bavila se i humanitarnom radom i pisanjem. Umrla je 1994. godine od raka.
Jackie je bila u središtu pozornosti no ne zbog svog muža predsjednika već zbog svog stila koji je bio rafiniran i elegantan. Nosila je chic kompletiće, haljine A kroja i male šeširiće koji su postali pravi hit. U šezdesetim godina prošlog stoljeća svi su bili ludi za Jackie lookom. Nakon života u Bijeloj kući Jackie drastično mijenja svoj stil i poseže za velikim sunčanima naočalama, Hermes šalovima i trapericama.
Jeste li znali:
Jackie kao svjetska putnica i iznimno obrazovana žena govorila je tečno čak tri strana jezika : talijanski, francuski i španjolski.
Oleg Cassini je bio američki dizajner koji je kreirao njenu kompletnu garderobu tokom Kenedijevog predsjedničkog mandata.
Haljina je jako lijepa, a dućan izgleda super - planiram ga posjetiti kad dođem u Varaždin.